In preparation for our 50 mile run, we decided to run back-to-back runs. Yesterday morning we went 20 miles and today we did another course but also ran 20 miles. Yesterday's course was one we've run several times now. It has some really good hill climbs on it, basically the first 8 miles are off and on hills with more on than off. The second half of Red Hills Parkway was so dark! It was so surreal, almost dreamlike. An animal could have attacked us and no one would have known. I guess I should add that we left about 3:30 am so most of our run was in the dark. We did that so I could get my kids to school. That run was great. We moved along great, walking only to fuel and on the last hill for a short recovery.
Starting today was a little rough. Right from the start we could feel yesterday's run. We decided that we would run the hills as far as we could and then walk it to the top. There were 4 big hills on the run today and 3 little ones. We could feel them! Strangly, the longer we ran the less the hills bothered us. We could still feel them and they still hurt but the longest and hardest hill we ran to the top. We worried afterward that maybe we might have burned ourselves out (that hill came at mile 12) but we actually handled it well. I could feel the run today in my hips more than normal but overall, it was a good run. I am famished and can't seem to stay full long but that's okay.
Next week we haven't decided if we are running 25/20 or 25/25. My brother has to work when we were supposed to run so we haven't quite figured out what we'll do. I am tired of sports nutrition and I'm trying to find something else to eat. I want to take a burrito but I'm not convinced it would stay good while we're out running. A peanut butter sandwich would be great too but it would be awfully bulky. Someday I'm going to invent a new product. Someday.
Thanks for checking in with me and come back soon. :)