So, on my last post I talked about how I knew that if I could just hang in there, my body would adapt to my new normal and I would be okay. Well, muscle memory is incredible and our bodies are amazing. Last week was a little rough toward the end of my run. My calf muscles were tight knots and it took several days to loosen up. Today was awesome! We had a commitment at 8:00 so we needed to be done by then. My alarm went off at 4:30 and I did not want to get up. I dragged my tired body out of bed and changed into my running clothes. We grabbed a banana and headed out. It often takes me a few miles to settle in but when my Garmn chimed another mile and I didn't know how far we'd gone and I looked and we had already gone 5 miles, I was hopeful it was going to be a good run. The temprature was nice and being early, it was quiet and peaceful. That's one of the thngs I love about running early. There is a peace that exists only in those early hours of morning and I get to fully partake of it because I'm awake and out enjoying it. We got to a convenient store just before mile 11. We hit the bathroom and my husband refilled his vest and we headed out. The sun still hadn't quite risen yet and St George truly is beautiful. Around mile 13, I commented to my husband that just a few weeks ago my calves were knots and my feet hurt and everything below my knees, all those tendons and ligaments hurt. Now, I was feeling incredible great. The last four miles passed without anything really worth noting. When we had 1/2 miles left, I decided I still had enough fuel in my tank to sprint to the finish. I really annoyed my husband. But it felt great to finish like that, strong. Now that I'm home, my calves are tight my not like the last few weeks. I feel great. I feel exceptionally blessed to be running again.
We only have a few more weeks, three, until we've peaked and then we'll taper. I'm not as fast as I was before my injury but time will heal that too.
Thanks for checking in with me and come back again soon. :)
Woo Hoo! Yay for feeling better? What is your goal for finishing the marathon?