Okay, it's been a long time, I know. I was down a little bit in November from an overuse injury. Thankfully now I recognize them earlier and know how to better deal with them. As 2016 draws to a close, I've been reflecting just a bit and thought I'd better wrap things up a bit.
Like I said, November brought an overuse injury. The tendons on the top of my foot were inflamed and my foot swelled quite a bit. I decided it was caused by either being suspended in TRX straps or from Upward-Facing Dog in yoga. Whichever it was, the other exacerbated it. Running made it even more angry so I took a few weeks off and was careful doing TRX and yoga. I'm happy to report it has healed completely and it makes me happy that my body responded like I'd hoped.
I think it was either late July or early August when I looked at the miles I'd run this year. I was closing in on 700 miles for 2016 and still had the bulk of my training to do for the St. George Marathon. I started thinking about trying to get 1000 running miles in. I knew it was doable. By the time the marathon was over I was nearing 850 miles. I still wasn't really trying to get 1000 miles, I just knew it was feasible. When I realized I had an injury, it threw a wrench in my idea but once I started healing, I did the math and realized that if I just stayed consistent, running 1000 miles in 2016 would work.
By late November, I had made a firm commitment to the goal of running 1000 miles in 2016. I mapped it out, planning how many miles I would need to run each week, and how many times each week. We've had a few mornings when it was so cold, I really didn't want to go outside and run. Fortunately, we've had a pretty temperate fall and early winter so there were only a few rough mornings.
The only thing that has thrown me off my plan was when another instructor needed me to sub her Spinning class on a morning when I would usually have run. I checked the math and determined I'd still hit my goal but I now had no wiggle room. I've stayed consistent, even running Christmas Eve on a treadmill because it was raining outside so running outside wasn't possible. As of today, December 30, I've run 997 miles. My plan is to run seven miles tomorrow morning, giving me 1004 running miles for 2016. Unfortunately, there is a shower moving in tomorrow morning early but I'm hoping to get out and get the run done before the storm. If not, New Year's Eve's run will also be on the treadmill. Either way, I will accomplishing this goal.
2017 doesn't have anything too terribly exciting yet. I'll do St. George again. I've considered the Top of Utah Marathon and someday I want to the the Utah Grand Slam but that one will probably have to wait for a time when I'm slightly less busy. I've been approached by a local business who is considering sponsoring me but I'll have to let you know for sure about that later.
I hope 2016 has been good to you. If not, put it to bed and look forward to 2017. Good luck on your goals. Thanks for checking in with me and come back again soon.
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