After the marathon, i started training for a 50 mile race in January. I trained for two weeks and decided I had tendonitis in my Achillis so I would take a few weeks off and let it heal. After a few weeks, my Achillis was healed but I realized I had tendonitis in my peroneal tendon. I stopped my long runs. When I didn't heal, I cut out my interval runs and hill repeats and started doing them on the elliptical. I still didn't heal so I cut out intervals on the elliptical and started pool running. Weeks turned into months and I decided to have an x-ray and see my doctor. I was afraid I had done something more serious than tendonitis. No stress fracture, yay! My doctor suggested a podiatrist and a cortisone shot. I was reluctant because podiatrists are notorious for saying stop running. I found one who is a runner and got my cortisone shot. Ouch! After about 4-5 days, it was apparent that the cortisone shot didn't work. At that point I was devastated. Running means so much to me. It is part of how I define who I am. I don't know how to be me without running. It's my outlet. Everytime I would see someone out running I was so jealous. It literally hurt my heart and left me wanting to cry. I continued to take it easy. About a week and a half ago, I decided it was time for physical therapy. I went for the first time on Wednesday. My therapist did a therapy called ASTYM and I have hope. After one treatment, I actually think I'm starting to heal. More time will tell but I have hope.
I have a lot going on this year. I have Boston in April. I was supposed to do the Red Mountain 50K also in April but it's two days before Boston and we'll already be there. I've been asked to do the bike leg of the St. George Ironman 70.3. I want to do the Utah Valley Marathon but I won't decide for sure until after Boston and I feel how that goes. I would like to do the Bryce Canyon Half since I've never done it. I've got Napa Valley Ragnar in September (an ultra team) and then St. George in October. I need to heal and I feel like I really will now.
Sorry it's been so long since I've written. I hope to be better. I hope you are reaching your fitness goals. Please let me know if you have any questions and I'll catch you agan next time.
Oh I really hope the therapy continues to help and get you all healed up! I know running is your love and your passion!!!!