Being a mother has taught me SO much! When my kids were little, I learned to close the bathroom door. You never know what you'll find your little one into if you leave the bathroom door open. I've learned that it's scary when kids are playing and it's too quiet. I've learned that teaching my children is my responsibility. I've learned also that it's my job to mold and shape and let go. As my children, have gotten older, I've learned some new things. I've learned how precious time is. My oldest is now 16. She's driving and dating and has a job. There are times when she is so busy, I feel like it's days between seeing her.
I've learned to treasure the little things. It's Halloween time and we have a few traditions. Every year since my kids were little, we've decorated sugar cookies with their cousins. As my children and nieces and nephew have gotten older, it's become quite a challenge to find the time when every one is available. Toward the end of September this year, my kids started asking when we were going to decorate cookies. It's amazing how something so simple can make me so happy. Our efforts when they were little are paying off.
Last week was Back to the Future day. The week before, our kids had fall break. We started planning about six weeks before to have a Back to the Future marathon and watch all three movies in sequence. We decided to do it early, during fall break. I told my kids not to plan anything and they were honestly excited. The day of the marathon, my kids quickly got their chores done and helped get things ready. Even my 16 year old told her friends they couldn't get together until we'd watched all the movies. It may have been a waste of nearly six hours, but I treasured it because my whole family was together. I know that the times we have left like this are numbered and will just get harder to do.
I can remember when my kids were little, people would come up to my in church when I was struggling with my kids and tell me to enjoy it. That soon, I would turn around and my little ones would be teenagers. I remember thinking they were CRAZY! I had felt every single second of that day and the one before and the one before that. I remember thinking that I was merely surviving. And I was. That wasn't living. The first five years were hard, the hardest and the longest. But with every day that passed, my kids got older. Before I knew it, my oldest was ten and my baby was going to kindergarten. The next five years passed more quickly. Somehow it seemed, time had sped up. As fast as the second five years went, the next five were even faster. How is that even possible? That was the year I had one kid in four different schools. I don't recommend that, by the way. It was crazy. And now. Earlier today, my husband was on Facebook and he told me what he'd posted a year ago today. And I couldn't believe it. It felt like that was only a few months ago yet it really was a year ago.
Now life is so crazy. I feel like all I do is rush from one thing to the other, hoping along that the way that I don't forget anything. Many times we have to divide and conquer. It's in the midst of all of this craziness that I find I enjoy the little things. And time. Always time. I appreciate that we made dinner together a priority when our kids were little. It's paying rich dividends now. My kids know that every night about 5:00 I expect them to be home so we can have dinner together. Far too often, dinner is rushed because someone has somewhere they have to go but it still happens. On good nights, they linger. One Sunday afternoon, I had a brilliant thought. At dinner I asked all the kids their favorite memory. It was slow to start but before I knew it, the memories were flowing. Things I never knew about were revealed. Dinner that day lasted an hour and a half! And the next Sunday brought them back for more.
I don't always do things right. If I could do things over differently, I would change a lot of things. But every once in a while, I get things right and the pay out is amazing. This journey of life and motherhood has been an adventure. There have been some really high highs and some devastating lows. I have learned so much! Cherish the little things. Enjoy the moment. When you find that your older son has duct taped your younger son to the tree in the front yard, take a picture and have a laugh before you reprimand him. (Yes, that actually happened.) And love. Love with your whole heart. Yes, it will get broken. A lot. But sometimes it will swell so much you think it will burst and those times make everything worth it.
Thanks for stopping in again. I hope everything is going well with you and your family and your goals. Let me know what your goals are. Share your successes. And come back again soon. Thanks again!
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