Tuesday, January 12, 2016

It's a new year

Okay, so the holidays are hard.  They are hard to eat well.  They are hard to fit your workouts in.  They are hard to get enough sleep and take good care of yourself.  They are also ridiculously hard to try to keep my blog current.  December was crazy but I survived and you did too!  So, now what?

Many people, most probably, begin a new year with the idea that they are going to improve themselves in some way.  SO many people set the goal of getting healthy "this year".  Sound familiar?  If so, you're in great company.  Also, it's a good thing.  Being healthier is a great goal.  The problem is, HOW do you do that? Where do you start?  How do you stay on track?  I have a plan.  "Being healthier" is a great goal, however, it is too broad.  You need to start with smaller goal, more specific goals.  What does being healthy mean to you?  Really think about it.  That idea is different for everyone.  Your thoughts now will be different next year.  Do you want to lose weight?  Do you want to start exercising?  Do you want to begin strength training?  Do you want to become more flexible?  Break your overall goal down.  If your goal this year is to lose 50 pounds, start with 5 or 10.  Write it down.  Now it's a goal.  A goal that is not written down is simply a dream.

Now that you've taken your overall goal and broken it down into smaller, more manageable goals, how are you going to get there?  If you honestly don't know where to start, ASK for help  Maybe your neighbor lost 30 pounds last year or your sister knows someone who is good at weight management.  If you really don't know what you're doing, don't try to go at it alone.  When you've gotten help and you have a plan, find someone to be accountable to.  No, yourself does not work.  It's too easy to justify three cookies plus all the cookie dough you ate while you were making the cookies.  Better yet, find someone with a similar goal and work toward it together.  As you achieve your little goals, CELEBRATE your successes!  You did something amazing.  Acknowledge it.  Try not to make your celebration something with food, especially if your goal is weight loss.  Buy a new blouse.  See that movie you've been dying to see.  Get a massage. Now, move on to your next goal and start all over again.

When you slip, and you probably will, move forward.  Don't let one slip, big or small, derail all your efforts. You are human and you will make mistakes.  Evaluate where you went wrong, make adjustments, and move forward.  Turn it into a learning experience.  You are not defined by your mistakes.

What happens when you plateau?  Or your progress isn't as fast as you planned or hoped?  Look back. Look where you were and now where you are.  Sometimes we have to look back to move forward.  When I step toward a starting line for a marathon, I always start by looking back.  I look at my efforts, how long and hard I've trained and I trust it.  I know I get to reap the reward because of my sacrifices and hard work. The same is true for you.  You also get to reap the rewards because of your sacrifices and hard work.

As the new year rolls forward and we move from January to February and later, stay on track.  Write your goals down.  Make them achievable.  Be accountable.  Forgive yourself.  Move forward.  Celebrate.  And remember, you are amazing.  You are brave.  It takes courage to embrace change but you're doing it.

Thanks again for checking in with me.  Good luck on your goals.  Please feel free to share them with me.  If you have something you'd like me to talk about or questions, please ask!  I love feedback.  See you again soon.

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