I had a really bad day. Crazy as it seems, after the really bad day, I started to do better. Everything seemed so surreal until about Wednesday morning. At that point everything became too real. I dealt with my emtions and allowed myself to feel all of them. By Thursday I was feeling better. I still have moments when thngs are not okay but the good out-weighs the bad.
Friday morning my husband and I went to my brother's house to get to watch the marathon. He had recorded it on his DV-R. That was one thing that frustrated me. I missed all the highlights from the day because of the attacks. We swtiched back and forth between the marathon and the developments going on in Boston. We had our race the next day so I spent the time making ribbons for the runners of the race to wear as a tribute to Boston, the runners, and the victims.
Saturday began cool though not as cold as I was afraid it would be. We started the race and only about 2 or 3 miles in it became apparent that we weren't as recovered as I hoped. The flats and downhills were fine but the hills hurt. The first 13 miles of the 50K are over a mountain. I was so glad to be done with the mountain. "We" was my husband, my brother, and me. My husband and I just didn't have the power that we usually have and my brother was sick. What a group we made. We walked the hills and several other times but we made it. What's crazy is that I was feeling better at miles 25-30 than I was at 6-13. We finished the 50K in about 5:45ish. It was a slower finish than I hoped for but with Boston being only five days before, I'll take it.
I'm looking forward to 2013 being a great running year. Thanks for checking in and keep running because it's still important.
Wow, I just read about your crazy week of the Boston Marathon and the Red Mtn. 50K. I'm glad you made it through the whole week OK. It was you who made the neat ribbons we got to wear? I pinned mine onto my number and was proud to wear it the whole 50K. Thank you!