I ran a 10K for the 4th of July. I have done well at this race several times and I was hoping to possibly PR. The race started and I was up toward the front. Sadly, I forgot my Garmin so I wasn't sure what my pace was. Just shy of a mile in, my shoelace came untied. Up to that point, there were only 2 people in front of my. I had to stop to tie my shoelace and in those short 10 seconds, 3 people passed me. I was able to overtake all of them but one guy just kind of sat on my shoulder. On this course there is really only one hill. It's decent and you go down it run a bit, turn around and then run back up it. On the down, the guy running right behind me passed me. I didn't really worry because I know I'm strong running uphill. At the turn around I was able to know for sure that there were only 4 runners ahead of me, 3 guys and a girl. I was happy to think I was in the top 5. When we got back to the hill, I just kept moving. I pushed it a little because I could tell the guy right in front of me wasn't as strong as me. I passed him just passed the crest of the hill. I was feeling good and knew I could hold him off to the finish, especially when we hit the 5 mile mark. He would surge a little every once in a while but I met his challenge every time. I crossed the finish line in just over 43 minutes, a new 10K PR! I was the 4th finisher overall and the 2nd female. I'm pretty sure that I helped the guy behind me have a great run too.
Right now, I've just been keeping my long runs at 15 miles. I figure the build for the St. George Marathon will be easier if I just stay up around 15. Then the build is simply 4 weeks long. That's the only thing I have planned for now. I'm sure I'll pick a few more runs up only the way.
I hope things are going well out there. Thanks for checking in and come back again soon!